Fortune 500 Division
Fortune 500 Rules
Main stringer 2 slot reds
Artificial only
1 or 2 man teams of any combo below.
WHO IS ALLOWED TO FISH: Any kayak angler, land based wader, Adults who are NEW to the GRS, any regular GRS member partnering with a youth angler 17 or under, Two youth anglers under 17 with a non-fishing adult captain. Exemption: Any person who registered for GRS and fished no more than one time per year between 2017-2020 or if you have fished GRS prior to 2016 but no other times since then you can go back to Fortune 500.
1/2LB deduction per dead fish
You may keep a legal limit of any species including redfish.
Any fish measuring 28" + must be immediately released into the water it came from.
The "silver check it stick" is the official measuring device of GRS. It is not required but recommended you use the same device onboard.
Before retaining any fish on the water, they must be measured by sweeping the tip of the tail to the middle of the check it stick on a flat or 1" slope or use a Check it stick "perfect pincher" device that will be used at the weigh station on a flat or 1" slope check it stick to ensure that they are under 28".(use of a board slanted more than 1" shall be considered illegal to use to retain fish) AT THE WEIGH IN THERE WILL BE A MEASURING BOARD FOR YOUR USE OUTSIDE OF THE WEIGH AREA. IT WILL BE THE EXACT SAME SETUP THAT WILL BE USED AT THE WEIGH STATION. Each fish will be measured on a 1" slope back to front. The nose of the fish shall touch the pressure sensor to light up the LED. Once it is lit, the Check it stick perfect pincher will be slid up to the 27.5" mark on the board centered between the lines in the middle. The belly of the fish shall not touch any sides. Fish will be measured belly to belly and not flipped. Small fish will be measured the same way except we will stop the at the 19.5" mark.
Kayakers & waders can measure their fish individually and place their fish on their stringer. Before loading their fish into it's transportation cooler, they must remeasure so they both can visually agree the fish is legal.
No fish maybe altered in anyway before entering the livewell.
Any fish that have cut, altered, deformed tails are subject to review by the GRS Staff to be disqualified or polygraphed. Result in failure of a polygraph in this matter wil result in being banned from any future tournaments.
An angler has up to 2 minutes to measure a fish to let it relax to get its correct length. If it is not legal it must be returned to the water at that time. It cannot be put in the livewell until confirmed legal. An angler may only use ice to cool the water. Any prize exceeding $10,000 in value, the individual fish or stringer will be weighed 3x for official weight. Baskets and scales will be cleaned after weigh 1,2,3. All weights remain the same to award prize.
Ice maybe used only to cool down the water temperature in the livewell. If a legal fish before entering the livewell dies, it can be retained. This is the only time a fish can be put on ice. If you are caught icing a fish to shrink it you will be banned for life.
All fish must be caught by rod & reel with artificial lures. All fish must be caught during the day of the event during allotted times. Adults can cast for kids but the child angler must reel in their own fish. No sharing or pooling of fish is allowed except in team tournaments. Any person fishing out of the boundaries will be disqualified.
An angler may only win one place per division.
Drones are only permitted for media purposes the day of the event. Media must be shown to the directors afterwards to ensure proper usage.
No radios or cell phones may be used to contact anyone (including your team member) or be contacted with ANY fishing related question/info until the angler arrives at the boat ramp.
Non-participants are allowed to be in the participants boats for media or child obligations. They are not allowed to help in any way which includes fishing advice, handling any part of the boat or vehicle, handling any fish, ect.
Contestants fishing as a team must fish no farther than 300 yards apart if wading from a kayak or 300 yards if fishing from a kayak. Competitive distances- waders,kayaks,boaters must remain 30 yards away from another wader,kayak, boat in competition. If closer, they must be OK'ed by the other anglers. Use courtesy rule with non-competitors.
Scented & spray on scents are legal for lure only events.
Behind weirs/dams or private ponds or lakes are off-limits. Along with any locations that you know are off limits but may have access, or have fallen / removed signs.
Texas Parks & Wildlife’s regulations apply.
All winners will be subject to a polygraph test onsite or at a later date at the request of only the weighmaster, tournament directors or contestants before collecting their prize.
Protests made by contestants must be made no later than 30 minutes after the last fish are weighed. Written protest must be accompanied by a $250 deposit which will be refunded if the rules committee up holds the protest.
In the event of a tie, the first team to weigh-in shall be the winner.
Any angler not following the previous rules can be disqualified from this or any future events. Anglers who post slander in social media will be banned from any future events.
If the weather looks inclimate, it is the anglers responsibility to check the website or call 832-646-3687 to see if the even is on. If you do not see or hear a message, the event has not been cancelled. If it is cancelled messages will be posted by 12am.
For questions during tournament hours up until the start of the weigh in you may try to call Lance 281-639-8291 or Sal 832-646-3687. All questions should be made prior to the event to ensure an answer to your question. Questions on tournament day may not be answered.
The weighmaster has the right to retain any fish for further inspection.
Launch /Wade Areas Participants can use their own private boat slip or must use public accessible property - land or ramps. Using others private property is not permitted by waders or kayakers.
Times There is no morning check in. Fish until weigh in.
Artificial only canoe, wade, kayak, rod & reel only. No natural baits are allowed on the boat or in possession during the event.
Weigh in site and times
(see NEWS/EVENTS section for list of weigh in site/times per event)
Fortune 500 division- 3:30-5pm
You must be in line with your fish or you will be disqualified.
Galveston Redfish Plus Boundaries shall be the Colorado river including the north Matagorda Jetty Northward to the LA/TX border which isall of Sabine Lake. As long as you can fish with a Texas fishing license and not require a LA fishing license then you are allowed to fish that area. All Bayous/rivers/ponds in between these areas are permitted. Beach and Jetty fishing is permitted up to 1/2 mile off each structure for either event.
The northern LA jetty channel & Gulf side is off limits; Casting into bayous/creeks on the LA shoreline is illegal;
The Marsh connected to the NE Freeport Salt Lake is off limits.
No fishing signs
If there is a no fishing sign placed by a construction company then you are not allowed to fish that area unless ok'ed to fish that area prior by TPW. Signs in marshes on the Texas side placed by private land owners are legal to fish as long as you do not step on their land.
Capt meetings/Optional divisions: Redfish Capt meeting- Onsite registration will be at 7-8pm on Thur. Location listed on main page..
Capt meeting will start around 8pm.
There are no mandatory meetings but you must be there to collect gifts or participate in free raffle.
The apparel gear will only be given at Capt meetings.
Tournament Directors:
Sal Bautista (832)646-3687 / Bautistasal@icloud.com
Lance SPangler - coastalculture@comcast.net