Big Title

2024 RULES
The GRS Series will consist of 3 Team Divisions: 1) Boat, 2) Kayak and 3) Youth. A Team consists of a max of 2 anglers. Guides are permitted to enter. Entry Fee per Team for each Division is: Boat $300, Kayak $300, Youth $50
All GRS Series Events only, require an annual membership of $50 per entrant for each Division.
The 3 GRS Series Events are Team events. A Team is 2 anglers max. or may fish alone as a Team. Format is 2 Redfish stringer, both TX Slot Size Redfish. A 1/2 Lb. penalty will be accessed for each dead fish in stringer. Boat & Kayak Divisions have 2 optional $50 side pots for Heaviest Redfish and Most Spots.
HEAVIEST REDFISH: The 1/2 Lb. penalty will carry to the side pot’s heaviest redfish if it is dead. The Team shall select the heaviest redfish from the 2 redfish stringer for the side pot.
MOST SPOTS: Most Spots Redfish Side Pot must be included in the team stringer. ​
All GRS series events will have an optional team side pot of heaviest redfish and spots. Side Pot is separate for each Division and will pay 3 places each and 100% payback. Each side Pot is $50 per team. Youth Side Pot is $25 per team.
The Youth Division is for development of youth anglers primarily. A youth angler is individual 17 years or younger. The youth angler shall fish with an adult angler in the Youth Division as a team. Two youths may fish as a team in the same boat as a Youth team only, with an adult, non-fishing boat driver. The Adult may help to net the fish, tie hooks and remove the hook, but not set the hook or reel in the fish. The Adult shall be named at time of registration. Only one Youth angler may fish with an adult guardian in the Kayak Division. A youth angler is allowed in the (Adult) Boat or Kayak Division as a Team.
A Team may only enter one division per event. Each Team may provide the name of alternate angler when an Alternate fishes the Event if a Team plans to use an alternate in the Series. The Alternate can fish for the Captain or the Partner, and only for one team. A Team must identify which individual the alternate will be fishing for during registration for the event. Alternates must pay annual membership to fish and only one Alternate per Team is allowed.
Texas Parks & Wildlife’s regulations apply. Federal, State & Local laws shall be always obeyed by contestants.
All teams shall launch from TX publicly accessible launches or TX public waters only. A Team may launch from a private slip if and only if the Captain or Partner’s boat used for the tournament is the owner of the slip. All teams shall stay within 75 yds of the launch area or private slip until launch time. No lines in the water till launch time. Launch times be announced at Captain’s Meeting, online, on Facebook prior to each event.
All fish must be caught during tournament hours only.
All fish must be caught by rod & reel on artificial lures only. Gulp is considered artificial. Artificial scents & sprays are allowed. No live or dead bait allowed.
An angler may only use 1 rod and reel at a time. An angler may have only 1 line in the water at a time.
No hole sitting by others is allowed prior to or during tournament hours. Drones are not allowed by the anglers during tournament hours nor 3rd person allowed in the boat while fishing except boat driver as defined in Youth Division.
Anglers may have as many legal fish onboard the boat or kayak at any given time throughout the tournament day as allowed by TX. law. No sharing or pooling of fish is allowed except from within the Team.
Anglers shall fish from one boat or 2 kayaks max. per team. A max. of 2 contestants per boat, except youth division. Team members may not split up into multiple boats to fish. No ferrying of kayaks by boat is allowed. Kayak Teams shall launch and dock together. Kayak teams shall not exceed 300 yards apart while fishing. All teams may trailer their boat or kayak.
Waders or boaters must remain 75 yards away from another wader or anchored boat / kayak during tournament hours unless waved in. Use courtesy with all waders, boats and kayaks. Waders shall not be more than 300 yards from their Boat or Kayak. No fishing within 300 yards of a ferry landing. No wade fishing from the beach.
Kayaks may only be powered by paddle or peddle power. No gas, battery powered motors or sail powered allowed in Kayak Division.
Any boat that becomes disabled during the tournament may be towed back to the nearest launch or the weigh-in. Anglers may transfer their team’s fish to another boat or vehicle to be transported to weigh-in, however a team’s fish must be kept separate. Anglers may not consume alcohol while on the water.
An angler may only use ice to cool the water. Ice may be used only to cool down the water temperature in the livewell. If a legal fish dies before entering the livewell, it must be retained. This is the only time a fish can be put on ice. If you are caught icing a fish to shrink it, you will be banned from participating in any GRS event in the future.
Measuring and Weigh In - All fish will be measured on a standard slanted “Check it Stick”. The Check it Stick’s Perfect Pincher will be slid to 27” mark to ensure the redfish is 28” or less. The Perfect Pincher will be slid to 19.5” to confirm the redfish is 20” or more for shorter fish. The fish will be measured belly to belly and will not be flipped. The board’s height at the 28” mark, belly side is 5 inches. Team is encouraged to check their stick against the GRS measuring stick.
A Team will receive a second measure of a fish if it is barely outside of tournament size limits while at bump station. The fish will be set aside for a remeasure.
Should a Team have any fish measured at the bump station and determined not to be within TX slot size, the entire team’s stringer and side pot fish will be disallowed for the event. Team will receive the minimum TOY points.
A 1/2 Lb. penalty will be accessed to each redfish in the stringer that is determined to be dead at the bump station.
A team may only enter the weigh in station / bump station one time per event. No substitution of fish is allowed. A minimum of one Team member must be in the Check in line with their fish by weigh in closing time to be considered.
Fish will be inspected for alterations in size, length, and weight. No fish with an altered tail will be accepted.
Weighmaster's decision on matters dealing with weigh-in or measurement are final. The Tournament Director’s decisions are final in regards to the tournament. Weighmaster has the right to retain any fish for further inspection.
In the event of a tie, the team first or earliest to weigh-in shall be the winner for the event, including side pots.
Boundaries – Team may fish anywhere that is legal with a TX Fishing License in TX public waters and TX/LA reciprocal waters.
No pier, dock fishing or fishing from land is allowed. No fishing within 500 yds of the event’s tournament weigh in fish release area during tournament hours.
No outside communication (radios, cell phones, social media) allowed that relates to fishing or any exchange of fishing information during tournament hours until angler returns to the boat ramp, unless there is an emergency. No outside communication with other teams during tournament hours unless there is an emergency.
Non-participants or a 3rd person are not allowed in participants boats except as the boat driver in Youth Division.
All winners will be subject to a polygraph test onsite or at a later date at the request of the Tournament Directors before collecting their prize. Tournament Director reserves the right to not payout winnings until polygraph(s) are completed even if it is into the following week. Tournament Directors reserve the right to select the individual for polygraph.
Protests must be submitted to one of the tournament directors in writing with a deposit of $300 cash no later than 5 minutes following the weigh-in of the last fish. All decisions will be made by the Weigh Master and/or Tournament Director(s) are final. If the protest is upheld, the cash deposit will be returned.
Severe Weather - If severe weather is forecasted, it is the angler’s responsibility to check the GRS Facebook page or call a Tournament Director to see if the event is on or has a delayed start. Such messages will be posted by Friday evening at 10 PM. This will be discussed at the Captain’s meeting on Thursday evening prior to the event.
Safe weather fishing conditions are at the Captain’s discretion or Boat Driver for Youth. Each Team fishes at their own risk when it comes to the weather. Anglers accept full responsibility for the safety of their own crew and boat or kayak.
Captain’s Meeting – will be held on Thursday evenings at FishStix
If an angler or team has been Disqualified, (DQ’d), for purposely trying to violate tournament rules or refuses to take a polygraph test in any event, individual or team will not be allowed to fish in any GRS event for up to five (5) years.
The Tournament Directors reserve the right to disqualify an individual or team due to disruptive or rude behavior from the event or future events. Tournament Director(s) reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone without cause.
Payouts - for the Events per Division, except for Preseason Event, will be based on the number of entries per division. Payouts will be posted on social media later on Friday evening after on line registration closes for the event.
On Line Registration and payment to include processing fee will close on Friday prior to the event at 6 PM. Registration can be done Online at http://www.GalvestonRedfishSeries.com/ or in person at Captain’s meeting or in person to a Tournament Director on Friday via card or cash. Payment will be accepted Online via Venmo or Debit/Credit Card. Cash will be accepted at the Captain’s meeting or in person to a Tournament Director by 6 PM at the FishStix Store on Hwy 6 in Santa Fe, Tx. on Friday evening. Fees will be included in electronic payments.
Tournament Directors: Hunter Welch (903) 922-3563 | Mark Rhone (979) 864-0247 | Rance Starr (409) 761-0889. Email is: Info@GalvestonRedfishSeries.com For questions or more information please call a Tournament Director.
GRS Team of the Year (TOY) - The TOY award will go the top TOY Points Team from each of the 3 Divisions. The Team closest to 600 points, with 200 points max per event, will be the winner for the 2024 event season. TOY Points are earned in the 3 GRS Series events. Final total weight of all 3 events is used to break ties
. Weight is not dropped. If a Team moves within the Divisions, TOY points do not carry forward, but start over for Team.
​The Team Captain will retain points throughout the series provided the team is kept intact. New partner or new alternate is a new team. In the event a team breaks up, the new Team starts over from TOY Points view point.
The winning team in each event and division will receive 200 TOY points and each team after will receive 1 less point. If no fish are weighed in then a team will receive 5 points less than the last place team that weighed in fish.